We do try to organise and encourage days out where like minded souls can visit gardens and places of interest. All suggestions are welcome please contact us to arrange a visit.
Trainline is Europe’s leading train and coach app. We work with 270 rail and coach companies to offer our customers travel to thousands of destinations in and across 45 countries in Europe. Our aim is to bring together all rail, coach and other travel services into one simple experience so people can get the best prices and smart, real-time travel info on the go.
For more info visit Trainline.
Burley Model Allotments are not in control of the websites listed below and as such are in no way to blame with whatever may happen once you have clicked on a link, nor can we guarantee you will enjoy yourselves at any one of these venues. We have visited some of these venues (not quite all yet but are working through the list). As always the day is what you make of it (a little like life itself) and as such we have always enjoyed them.
If you know of anywhere where you have had a pleasant day and we have missed it off this list please contact us so we can add it to the list below.
And in no particular order some books you may find useful......
There may be some others if you know of any that you find particularly useful then please contact us