
Here you will find documents relating to Burley Model Allotments Association. Given there are a large number of documents they are usually archived annually. But do not worry good people, all is not lost and at any time, should you so wish, we can bring back documents for your perusal. So should anyone wish to see a document that has been archived get in touch with us by using the Contact Us. page

Or you can email us directly, send your request to view a document so we can add them back to the library for you.

There are a number of sub sections starting with the:-

A.G.M. -

Here is where all the documents relating to the last Annual General Meeting are held these include the Agenda and minutes of the meeting.

Annual Show –

This includes hints and tips on how to Show as well as the current Show Schedule.

Committee Meetings –

All of the committee meetings for the calendar year are stored here.

Newsletters –

The newsletters are stored in this section

Forms –

Here are standard forms to apply to the association from L.C.C. and the Association’s own forms.


These are documents relating to Leeds City Council and the Leeds Allotment Federation.

Maps and Leaflets –

Is exactly what it says, all maps and leaflets relating to the site.

Miscellaneous –

This is where you will find all the assorted bits and pieces that you would expect in this category, or would you? As well as all the insurance certificates for the site.

Policy –

In this section you will find the Rules, Constitution and Policy documents of the Association.

Should you wish to see or access any archived documents please contact the webmaster using the form on the Contact Us Page.


Annual Show
BMAA General Hints and Tips For Showing 08/07/2015 pdf
BMAA Tips for Showing Flowers 08/07/2015 pdf
BMAA Tips for Showing Fruit 08/07/2015 pdf
BMAA Tips for Showing Vegetables 08/07/2015 pdf
Plot Judging Criteria 25/11/2011 pdf
BMAA newsletter Spring 2020 18/03/2020 pdf
BMAA newsletter Summer 2019 14/07/2019 pdf
BMAA newsletter Spring 2019 25/03/2019 pdf
BMAA newsletter Winter 2018 11/12/2018 pdf
BMAA Meeting Template 04/12/2022 doc
BMAA Tenancy Agreement Form 17/07/2015 pdf
BMAA Committee Nomination Form 15/07/2015 pdf
BMAA Application Form 13/07/2015 pdf
BMAA Helper Form 14/05/2015 pdf
LCC Qualifying Benefits Form 14/05/2015 pdf
BMAA Structure Application Form 14/10/2014 pdf
LDAGF Letter About Rent Increases 09/11/2013 pdf
Maps & Leaflets
BMAA Allotment Map 30/07/2017 pdf
Japanese Knotweed Leaflet 27/07/2012 pdf
Horsetail Leaflet 27/07/2012 pdf